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松田久司・秋山 勉・木原涼帆・吉岡宏之・井戸浩之・新名 亨・脇 啓人
上沖正欣, 山本貴仁, 小川次郎 (編著) (2024) 愛媛県鳥類目録 (第1版). 日本野鳥の会愛媛.
Masayoshi KAMIOKI, Takahito YAMAMOTO, Jiro OGAWA (Eds.) (2024) Checklist of the Birds of Ehime (1st edition). Ehime Wild Bird Society of Japan.
This checklist includes all bird species recorded in Ehime Prefecture from 1950 to 2024. The data were primarily derived from Yacho-joho, collected by Ehime Wild Bird Society of Japan, as well as records from bird walks, regular surveys, literature, and online sources. Based on 206,248 records, 370 species (including 9 introduced species) representing 71 families in 21 orders were documented, along with their migratory categories, abundance, and distribution status within the prefecture. Of the 370 species, 78 were resident breeders, 37 migrant breeders, 89 winter visitors, 57 passage visitors, 56 irregular visitors, 52 accidental visitors and one unclassified species. Among them, 125 species have been recorded breeding, or likely breeding. An additional 21 reported species (including two introduced species) were not accepted, and 27 were escapees. Trends in frequency and abundance were examined. Species showing an increasing trend in records or occurrence grids included Red-billed Leiothrix, Ryukyu Minivet, Brown-eared Bulbul, and Eurasian Coot, and many are resident or forest-dwelling species. Conversely, species showing a declining trend included Chinese Grosbeak, Penduline Tit, and Little Tern, which are primarily wintering birds or those inhabiting estuaries, rice fields, and wetlands. Species with increasing populations included Great Cormorant, Dunlin, Black-headed Gull, and Eurasian Coot. Those with declining populations included Black-tailed Gull, Black-headed Gull, Eurasian Tree Sparrow, and Slaty-backed Gull, with a noticeable decline among gulls. Introduced species, such as Red-billed Leiothrix, Chinese Hwamei, and Red-billed Blue Magpie, have significantly expanded their range since the 2010s. Latham’s Snipe and Sakhalin Leaf Warbler, which breed in high-altitude areas, have not been observed during the breeding season since the 2000s. Similarly, other species that breed in high-altitude areas, such as Northern Nutcracker, Olive-backed Pipit, Japanese Leaf Warbler, Red-flanked Bluetail, Japanese Robin, and Chestnut-eared Bunting, are thought to be at risk of losing their breeding populations. The observation dataset was highly biased toward settled areas and easily accessible regions, with few records of pelagic or nocturnal species or species breeding at high elevations. Accordingly, regular surveys at night, at sea and in high-altitude areas are recommended to assess the status of these species.